
Medically Reviewed by
Jason Crawford

Article Last Updated on December 22, 2022

What happens when you have your favorite cannabis strain with adequate THC and CBD levels for your ultimate enjoyment but don’t have anything to smoke it with?

Imagine this scenario – it’s Friday night, your work week is over, and now it’s time to go home and relax by placing a cartridge in your vape, putting on a movie, and vaping. Suddenly, you remember that you left your vaporizer at your friend’s house and you still haven’t invested in your own dab rig, so now you have nothing to smoke your weed with and it’s too late to buy a new vaporizer.

You know that you can take your vaporizer tomorrow or buy bongs, pipes, and other cannabis paraphernalia in your favorite headshop, but if you want to smoke now, there are ways to make your own bowl of weed at home.

We’ve all found ourselves in this conundrum, so we’ll give you a few options that involve using the stuff you have lying around the house to make your own weed pipe. Whether you’re a medical marijuana or a recreational user, this article will show you how to make a weed pipe, step by step, so read on.

What Is a Bowl for Weed?

The part of a pipe that’s used to hold the cannabis is called a bowl. If it’s attached to a water pipe, or bong, it’s referred to as a slide and it’s one of the essential components of cannabis smoking devices. The bowl can be made from all kinds of materials including plastic, wood, bamboo, ceramic, glass, and others. 

How to Make a Bowl for a Homemade Pipe or Bong

To make your own homemade smoking device, you can use a lot of common household items that you probably have lying around the house. You can use things like apples, pumpkins, plastic bottles, and even toilet paper rolls. 

Homemade bongs, pipes, and other smoking equipment will require a bowl which is often made from aluminum foil, and they’ll also need a downstem for which you can use a pen. Now, all it takes for you to make your cannabis smoking device is your chosen cannabis smoking vessel and a chunk of your time.

Different Types of Weed Bowls Based on Household Items

With a bit of imagination, our help, a few things you have lying around your house, and a bit of your free time, you can easily make homemade cannabis bowls, so read through the following paragraphs to find out how to make these DIYs.

Pen Pipe

To make your pen pipe, you’ll need a regular pen that you aren’t using at the moment. To convert it into a cannabis smoking device, remove the metal screw cap as well as both the ink cartridge and the end of the pen. The bowl will be made from the cap, and the opposite end will become the mouthpiece. Apart from using them to make a pen pipe, pens can be used to make the downstem for homemade bongs.

Apple Pipe

Apples aren’t just a great fruit, they can also be used to make a DIY smoking device called an apple pipe. For this DIY, you’ll need to make holes at the top of the apple and the side of the apple and connect both holes in the middle providing unrestricted airflow. The top hole will be covered with aluminum foil which will be used as a bowl. Poke another hole to serve as a carb, fill your foil bowl with weed, and light up.

Homemade Pipe Made From Starburst Candy

Candy can also be used to make a cannabis pipe, specifically Starburst candy. To make your pipe, add a skewer in the middle of the candies and create an air pathway. Use one leftover candy to make a bowl and stack it on top of the lined candy. Poke one more hole through the top 2 candies and connect this hole to the middle hole. Fill your device with cannabis and start smoking.

Soda Can Pipes

Soda cans can also be used to make a homemade smoking pipe. To do this at home, bend the can in half and using a needle, poke small holes in the crease. Make a large carb hole on the side of the can, and use the inside of the crease as a bowl to place your ground weed in. Light up, and inhale through the soda can mouthpiece.

TeePee Steamroller

If you have some aluminum foil and toilet paper around the house, you can try making the TeePee steamroller. This smoking device requires a thick glass pipe and a small bowl made from aluminum. 

To make it, poke a small hole on the side of the cardboard and add the foil bowl at the top of it. To prevent burning the cardboard when smoking, cover the edges with aluminum foil. Add weed to the bowl, light it up, place one hand in the opening which is close to the bowl, and place your mouth at the opposite end. Inhale and let the steamroller fill up with smoke and take a deep breath once the toilet paper fills up with the cannabis smoke.

Tic-Tac Bong

Did you know that you can even use a Tic-Tac box to make a bong? To make it, poke a hole on the side of the box, and insert a small straw. Make your bowl out of aluminum foil and place it on the other end of the tube. Add the weed to the bowl, light it up, and inhale through the small hole that’s used for opening the box.

Gravity Bong (Water Bottle Bong)

You can make a bong by using plastic bottles that would have otherwise gone into the recycling bin. To make your gravity bong, get a 2-liter plastic bottle, aluminum foil, a pen, a paper clip, and duct tape. 

Heat the paper clip with a lighter and poke the first hole which should be big enough to fit the pen 3 inches above the bottom of the bottle. Remove all the parts of the pen (the ink chamber, top, and metal tip of the pen), place it in the hole at a downward angle, and tape it with duct tape. Make a bowl out of aluminum foil, poke a small hole at the bottom, and add it on top of the pen. Poke a carb hole on the side of the bottle and fill the bottle with water until the bottom part of the pen is submerged. All that’s left is for you to light up.


Reusing some household items to make cannabis smoking devices will not only be good for your budget since you won’t be buying smoking equipment such as bongs or pipes, but it will also be a good idea for you to practice your craft skills.

First, you need to make your own aluminum foil weed bowl, which can then be incorporated into all the cannabis smoking devices we mentioned above. Don’t be afraid to experiment with making new cannabis smoking devices the next time you don’t have your rolling papers or vaporizer on you. All it takes is some time, a few household ingredients, and your favorite weed strain to make pipes and bongs for your next cannabis experience.

A passionate advocate for the benefits of cannabis. Fraser Horton, who has a background in botany and a strong love of nature, has spent years researching how cannabis affects the body and mind. He established Leaf Nation in 2020, where he has devoted himself to educating people about the legalisation of marijuana and its safe and responsible use. Fraser is committed to highlighting cannabis’ potential for improving wellness and working to dispel the stigma associated with its use.


The information presented on this page is provided as a public service to aid in education and is derived from sources believed to be reliable. Readers are responsible for making their own assessment of the topics discussed here. In no event shall Leaf Nation be held reliable for any injury, loss or damage that could happen if using or abusing drugs.